Ethereum Foundation discloses the amount of ETH held in its treasury

The Ethereum Foundation, a non-profit organization focusing on the Ethereum ecosystem, has revealed that it holds around $1.6 billion in its treasury. $1.3B is held in cryptocurrencies and dominated by ETH, while the remaining amount of $300M is held in non-crypto investments.

Ethereum Foundation sells Ether at ATH

The Ethereum Foundation released a financial report showing that 99.1% of its treasury’s $1.3B worth of crypto holdings was held in Ether (ETH). This is equivalent to 0.297% of the total ETH supply by the end of March 2022.

The Foundation added that it was optimistic about the future of Ethereum and that the ETH holdings represented the company’s long-term goals. Last year, the Foundation sold part of its ETH holdings after the prices reached an all-time high of $4900.

The Foundation is also investing in non-crypto holdings. This could be a diversification strategy to offer a larger safety margin for the Foundation’s budget to support it in “funding non-core but high leverage projects through a market downturn.”

The financial report demonstrates the Foundation’s spending in 2021. The Foundation spent around $48M in 2021, where $20M was used in grants, bounties, sponsorships, third party funding and allocations to delegated domains. $28M was spent by the teams and projects within the Ethereum Foundation.

Ethereum Foundation has sold ETH holdings severally

Despite the Ethereum Foundation highlighting the long-term potential of the Ethereum ecosystem, it has severally sold its ETH holdings. In 2017, the Foundation sold 70,000 Ether tokens. At the time, the decision to sell was made by the co-founder of Ethereum, Vitalik Buterin.

“I did get the Ethereum Foundation to sell 70,000 ETH like basically at the top, and that’s doubled our runway now, so it was one good decision that had a lot of impact,” Buterin said.

In May last year, Ether reached a peak of $4000, and the Ethereum Foundation sold 35,000 ETH. In November 2021, ETH reached a new record high of $4900m, and the Foundation sold 20,000 ETH tokens valued at around $100M at the time.

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